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13-Nov-93 9:06:10-GMT,66553;000000000000
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Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 00:10:21 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #223
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Fri, 12 Nov 93 Volume 11 : Issue 223
Today's Topics:
[*] a-whole-new-world.hqx
[*] alarmbook-13-demo.hqx
[*] autobuild-10.sit.hqx
[*] Bestplace
[*] FA-18_MissionChooser
[*] FolderIcon
[*] Gatekeeper 1.2.9 Anti-Virus System
[*] IIe Discolour
[*] MacOberon402
[*] Manilla Folder Icons
[*] mcvert-214.shar
[*] Menu Choice 1.8
[*] MSG Demo 1.2 (graphics demo)
[*] MSG Demo 1.2 (source code)
[*] Neurodule 1.03 neuron simulation laboratory
[*] Pentominoes 1.4 (board game)
[*] Pentominoes 1.4 (source code)
[*] Print Choice 1.1
[*] PrintIt version 2.12
[*] So To Speak 1.0
[*] Speech FKEY
[*] tidbits-caring-for-wrists-ps.hqx
[*] Voyeur 1.0 (file utility)
[*] Voyeur 1.0 (source code)
[*] white castle startup
!Using PowerBook 170 with external monitor(Q)
1984 Commercial
1984 Movie
660 AV Memory
[Q] Archie client software
absoft address
Access PC w/ Audio CDs (C)
Animals Cache Control Panel
balloon help
Classical Greek font (Q)
CPU usage software (Q)
Desert Trek (Q:-)
Disney After Dark [Q]
FAA Exam Software Recommendations? (A)
GCC Eclipse 8 Laser printer [Q]
Info-Mac Digest V11 #221
Info-Mac Digest V11 #222 (2 msgs)
Internal SyquestIn 800/840
Is AudioVision an EnergyStar Monitor?
Is SupraFAX LC 14.4 modem a good buy?
LaserWriter Lockout
MacBench (R)
Mail to prodigy from internet (Q)
Modifying Page Sizes & Printer Drivers (Q)
Moving disks (transcontinentally)
NCSA Mosaic
Norton Utilities
PB 100 charger problems
Port for floppy drive (A)
PPP Server Software?
QuarkXPress list (Never Mind)
QuickTime Movie Site
random acts of System 7?
Re : 1984 Commercial
Revsion Control on Macintosh
Room/Overhead Projection/Slide making equipment Suggestions.
SNL commercial
Sound Converter
Specmarks anyone?
Speeding up Centris 660AV (Q)
Stylewriter & WriteNow (two separate Qs)
Stylewriter II driver
Subscription request
Unix mount of HFS file system: what's available?
unplug keyboard when computer is on, bad?
What is "Printer Share" ?
ZTerm High-Speed Patch
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 12:56:07 -0500
From: info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Administrivia
Please welcome the new Info-Mac Special Projects Moderator, Liam Breck.
Liam has been doing a lot of hard work on the archive over an extended
period of time and consequently deserves public recognition. Although he
will not be actively involved in the digest or archive on a day-to-day
basis, he has taken an interest in pursuing more long-term projects for
the overall advancement of our archive and the Macintosh network community
in general.
Liam is a Macintosh consultant and database designer living in
Amherst, Mass. He is known for his efforts to get Apple to recall
Malaysian mice with "sticky" buttons (see Macweek, 15 Mar 1992). He
has been working with Info-Mac since July 1992, when he proposed the
directory reorganization which is now nearly complete. Among the
special projects he is working on for the archive are: the compilation
of a list of mirror sites and establishing communication between their
administrators, finding a way for client software (gopher, fetch) to
automatically access the closest Info-Mac mirror, a redesign of the
archiving procedure that we use, and completing the reorganization
begun last May.
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 22:56:26 +0100
From: abouelou@poly.polytechnique.fr (abou el ouafa abder)
Subject: [*] a-whole-new-world.hqx
This file includes a sample of the famous song "a whole new world".
(french version "ce reve bleu").
>From the "aladdin's" movie.ABOU EL OUAFA Abderrahim (ali-baba on IRC, Angelo
BBS, Me in real life)...
X91 6e Cie Ecole Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
phone : (33) (1) 69 33 55 01
18, r. Ahmed Boubia, Hay Salam. Khemisset 15 000 MOROCCO
phone : (212) 755-4810
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/a-whole-new-world.hqx; 532K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 17:28:29 CST
From: wizzkid@eagle.natinst.com (Dan Repich)
Subject: [*] alarmbook-13-demo.hqx
AlarmBook v1.3 Demo
Neptune Systems
Thank you, Daniel Repich
[Archived as /info-mac/app/alarmbook-13-demo.hqx; 957K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 15:50:05 +0100
From: Rene Ros <rgaros@paramount.nikhefk.nikhef.nl>
Subject: [*] autobuild-10.sit.hqx
AutoBuild 1.0
Extension for System 7 and later.
Written by Rene G.A. Ros.
This extension deletes automatically, at preset intervals, the
Desktop Database which is maintained by the system (since 7.0)
for every volume larger than 2 Mb. After deletion it is then
rebuilt by the Finder. It also deletes the Desktop Database when
the extension is moved to another disk, which is useful for
harddisk-update software like LikeWise.
Rene Ros
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/autobuild-10.hqx; 42K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 10:46 EST
From: Jim Allison <JALLISON@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: [*] Bestplace
Bestplace is program which can be used to find the best place to position
speakers in a listening room. The program is based on Roy Allison's
research into the effects of speaker placement on the accuracy of the
sound produced. Allison has been one of the leading figures in the audio
industry for the past 30 years. The program plots a room augmentation
curve for a speaker placed at any position within a room, and so allows
experimentation to find acceptable positions that are also practical for use.
An augmentation curve is a frequency vs. amplitude plot showing how
nearby boundaries affect the power output of a speaker. The curve's shape
is dependant on the location of the woofer with respect to the three nearest
boundaries. The program also plots the power output of some specific
speakers and contains background material on the historical development
of the home Hi-Fi industry over the years. Finally there is information on
Allison's current speaker designs.
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/bestplace.hqx; 437K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 01:43:11 -0600
From: jbaughmn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (James C. Baughman)
Subject: [*] FA-18_MissionChooser
F/A-18 Hornet Mission Chooser
* For Graphics Simulations F/A-18 Hornet v1.0 and v1.0.1.
* Allows you to choose what mission a pilot will fly on his
next mission.
Send comments, suggestions, complaints to:
Jim Baughman
University of Texas, Austin
[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/fa-18-mission-chooser.hqx; 76K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 23:27:33 GMT
From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: [*] FolderIcon
>Subject FolderIcon Date11/5/93 Time 4:12 PM
>FolderIcon is a utility for generating custom folder icons from existing
>desktop icons. For example, it could create the familiar system folder icon
>from the Finder icon.
Hm, is this a drag-and-drop utility?
Does it create folders or icon resources?
Is it an editor?
How do you use it?
Which version is it?
"More info!"
Sven :)
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 16:07:52 -0600
From: chrisj@mbs.telesys.utexas.edu (Chris W. Johnson)
Subject: [*] Gatekeeper 1.2.9 Anti-Virus System
Gatekeeper 1.2.9 is a set of Macintosh system extensions (INITs)
and related control panels (cdevs) which, when active (i.e.
allowed to install themselves during the boot process) offer
protection against attacks by all known viruses (to the author
at the time of this release).
Gatekeeper also monitors computer activities for what are
considered to be suspicious 'events' or 'operations', in an
attempt to intercept what could be variants of known viruses or
even completely new viruses.
Since its initial release in January of 1989, Gatekeeper has
repeatedly demonstrated its ability to stop the spread of
viruses which were unknown during its design. Like any anti-
virus system, however, it cannot guarantee complete protection.
Of course, no claims or promises are made regarding Gatekeeper's
effectiveness or suitability, and some functions and capabil-
ities of Gatekeeper are non-trivial to use and may require a
careful reading of the documentation.
Gatekeeper 1.2.9 Release Notes 11-Nov-93
Gatekeeper 1.2.9 was created to deal with the CODE 1 and MBDF-B
viruses. The latter, MBDF-B, was already dealt with by previous
releases, but code was added to explicity identify the virus as the
"B" strain instead of as an "unknown" strain.
At the same time, some improvements have been made. These include
the elimination of a known false-positive identification of the
INIT 1984 virus, the further refinement of address sanity checking
code (and its application in a couple of new places), the addition
of some new privileges, the elimination of the conflict between
version 1.2.8 and System 7 Tuner, and probably a couple more things
I can't remember at the moment. :-)
[Archived as /info-mac/vir/gatekeeper-129.hqx; 316K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 16:33:55 EST
From: devendorfb@picard.msoe.edu
Subject: [*] IIe Discolour
The following ResEdit document contains the icons necessary for converting
Ambrosia Softwares freeare program Discolour for the use of colorizing your
Apple IIe partition on your hard drive. To install the patch, copy all the
resources except the STRING resource to your copy of Discolour. Click on YES
to replace the original icons. This is the only method I have found to date
for colorizing the IIe partition icon. In fact, due to the wonderful nature
of Andrew's program, you can have an edited version co-exist with the original
and have colored disk icons and the colored Apple IIe partition
Hope you like it...any comments or suggestions?
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/iie-discolour.hqx; 5K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 23:34:31 -0500
From: "Scott E. Lasley" <lasleyse@wam.umd.edu>
Subject: [*] MacOberon402
Here, once again, is a binhexed stuffit archive containing the latest
version, 4.0.2 of the programming language MacOberon written by
Michael Franz and available from neptune.inf.ethz.ch. Here are some
excerpts from the readme files:
Version 4.02 fixes a compiler bug accidentally introduced when
correcting Version 4.00 (sorry about that).
The enclosed archive contains Version 4.0.2 of MacOberon. This software
is copyrighted, but may be distributed free of charge for non-commercial
purposes. Please read the copyright message within the program for
details. MacOberon requires a Macintosh equipped with a Motorola 68020
processor (or higher) and a floating-point coprocessor. It will not run
on Macintosh Classic computers. However, you can use it on Macintoshes
without floating-point hardware by installing one of several widely
available "shareware" coprocessor emulation INITs in the System Folder.
MacOberon prefers to run under System 7 and later versions of the
Macintosh operating system, and is compatible with 32-bit addressing,
virtual memory, and the "fast" mode of Macintosh Quadra computers. This
version of MacOberon prints on any Macintosh printer. For esthetically
pleasing results, scalable versions (TrueType or PostScript) of the
Helvetica and Courier fonts should be present, instead of bit-mapped
printer fonts.
The standard software distribution contains sufficient on-line
documentation to enable users to use the system normally.
This documentation can also be printed from within the application.
MacOberon by Niklaus Wirth, Juerg Gutknecht, Michael Franz
Copyright (c) 1989-93 by Institut fuer Computersysteme
Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Switzerland
"Oberon" and "MacOberon" are trademarks of ETH Zurich.
"Macintosh" is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
"StuffIt" is a trademark of Aladdin Systems.
The ProgInOberon and ProjectOberon files have not changed since the 3.3
release. Further information about Oberon can be found in the Oberon
newsgroup comp.lang.oberon. Please note that I am not the author of
this software.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/mac-oberon-402.hqx; 821K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:21:20 +1000
From: Iain Anderson <ianderso@gucis.cit.gu.edu.au>
Subject: [*] Manilla Folder Icons
Manilla Folder Icons
by Iain Anderson
A free set of replacement system folder icons.
Instructions for installation are included.
If you have any queries/suggestions etc. please mail me on:
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/manilla-folder-icons.hqx; 10K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 17:27:10 -0600
From: jskud@wv.mentorg.com (Joseph Skudlarek)
Subject: [*] mcvert-214.shar
mcvert converts among Macintosh file formats used for file interchange,
including BinHex 4.0 (.hqx) and MacBinary (.bin). mcvert is written
in C and runs on many popular UNIX boxes. See mcvert.1/mcvert.man
(the man page) for program details. See README for how to build mcvert.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/mcvert-214.shar; 151K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 00:17:27 -0500
From: "David P. Faust" <tigger@fiesta.cns.udel.edu>
Subject: [*] Menu Choice 1.8
The latest version of this shareware control panels. Allows for heirarchial
menus in the apple menu under system 7. Very handy. This version has
several bug fixes.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/menu-choice-18.hqx; 36K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:20:09 -0500 (EST)
From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
Subject: [*] MSG Demo 1.2 (graphics demo)
MSG Demo is a collection of graphic effects for putting a picture
onto the screen (into a window). The collection started in Feb.
1992 and has since grown to include 32 different effects, including
8 scrolling effects.
MSG Demo 1.2 is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Complete THINK C source code and project files will be uploaded
to the archive sites. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the
author requesting a copy of the application, source code, or a list
of other programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
This demo should work under system 6 or 7 on any monitor. Please
report any bugs/comments/suggestions/etc. to f8dy@netaxs.com.
MSG Demo 1.2 is copyright 1992-3 by Mark Pilgrim.
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/msg-12-demo.hqx; 265K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:30:16 -0500 (EST)
From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
Subject: [*] MSG Demo 1.2 (source code)
MSG Demo is a collection of graphic effects for putting a picture
onto the screen (into a window). The collection started in Feb.
1992 and has since grown to include 32 different effects, including
8 scrolling effects. This is the complete THINK C 6.0.1 project and
source code, distributed under the GNU General Public License. You
may freely modify this source code and re-release it under the GNU
licensing terms; read the enclosed file "GNU General Public License"
for details.
The graphic effects themselves have been updated, based on comments
received from earlier versions. They now do not rely on application
globals or external #defines. The rest of the code in this archive
demonstrates basics of apple events, menus, windows, offscreen bitmaps,
dialogs, asynchronous and synchronous sounds, hierarchical menus,
using a preferences file, using timing loops to run the same speed on
all Macintoshes, and general event handling.
MSG Demo 1.2 (demo application) has been uploaded to the archives. If
you can not find it or do not have ftp access, e-mail the primary
author at f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim). You may also e-mail bugs,
comments, and/or suggestions to that same address.
Some of the source files contained in this archive are copyright
(C) 1992-3 Dave Blumenthal. The rest are copyright (C) 1992-3 Mark
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/msg-12-demo-c.hqx; 377K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 22:03:36 +0100
From: lombard francois <lombard@cui.unige.ch>
Subject: [*] Neurodule 1.03 neuron simulation laboratory
Please find neurodule 1.03 Stuffit Binhex archive.
Neurodule is an experimental neuron laboratory simulation for high
school/Universty students.
Unlike most courseware, it doesn't try to TEACH you, it lets you discover.
Neurodule is like getting an experimental apparatus. In fact you can use an
virtual Oscilloscope, a virtual milivolmeter on a virtual neuron, or inject
virtual curareI
Very little text.
However what text there is, is in French. (we speak french over here in
Teachers here found it allows a much better in-depth learning.
FranCois lombard
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/neurodule-103.hqx; 1014K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:16:23 -0500 (EST)
From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
Subject: [*] Pentominoes 1.4 (board game)
Pentominoes is a board game where you must fit 12 pieces (of five squares
each) into a variety of boards. Pieces may be rotated or flipped, but may
not overlap each other. A great geometric puzzler that goes back 40 years!
Pentominoes 1.4 fixes several technical bugs and adds several technical
features. In addition, Pentominoes is now distributed under the GNU
General Public License; complete C source code will be uploaded to the
archive sites (e.g. sumex-aim.stanford.edu) in a separate archive. If you
do not have FTP access, e-mail the author at f8dy@netaxs.com requesting
a copy of the source code, the game itself, or a list of other programs
by the same author.
System 6 and 7 compatible; supports B/W, grayscale, and color monitors;
includes sounds. Sounds work under system 6, but may require 6.0.7.
Pentominoes 1.4 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/pentominoes-14.hqx; 215K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:26:36 -0500 (EST)
From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
Subject: [*] Pentominoes 1.4 (source code)
Pentominoes is a board game where you must fit 12 pieces (of five squares
each) into a variety of boards. Pieces may be rotated or flipped, but may
not overlap each other. A great geometric puzzler that goes back 40 years!
Pentominoes is now distributed under the GNU General Public License; this
archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code for the Pentominoes
application, as well as complete source code for an external application
used to set up Pentominoes' self-integrity checker. You may freely re-
distribute this package as a whole; you may freely modify this application
and re-distribute it under the GNU General Public License. See the file
"GNU General Public License" in this archive for details.
This code handles, among other things, events, menus, apple events, a prefs
file, Gestalt environment checking, asynchronous sounds, hierarchical menus,
dialogs, windows, off-screen bitmaps, file management, standard file dialogs,
and the soon-to-be-famous "cough to continue" modal dialog filter proc. None
of this is very well commented, but feel free to direct any questions to
Pentominoes 1.4 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/pentominoes-14-c.hqx; 283K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 00:18:39 -0500
From: "David P. Faust" <tigger@fiesta.cns.udel.edu>
Subject: [*] Print Choice 1.1
A great shareware product that allows you to setup a hierarchial menu under
the apple menu with all of your printers. Switches between them without
using the chooser. Downloaded from AOL.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/print-choice-11.hqx; 30K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 16:35:10 EST
From: al_caughey@carletonbe.ottawa.on.ca
Subject: [*] PrintIt version 2.12
I've included version 2.12 and a documentation stack. This version fixes a
number of small bugs from previous versions.
[Archived as /info-mac/prn/print-it-212.hqx; 24K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 16:50:02 CST
From: e-weidl@uchicago.edu (eric weidl)
Subject: [*] So To Speak 1.0
So To Speak version 1.0 is finally finished! It is the best shareware app
to demonstrate Apple's new Speech Manager. With So To Speak, you can have
two voices speaking at once. While they are speaking, you can vary their
modulation, pitch, rate and volume.
This version works on all Macs, including Macs with small monitors (SE's,
Pluses, etc.) It also works properly on black & white-only machines. You
can also create, open, and save text files. Drag-and-drop of text files is
supported on System 7 machines.
You must have the Speech Manager software to make full use of So To Speak.
Have fun!
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/so-to-speak-10.hqx; 462K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 15:59:42 CST
From: e-weidl@uchicago.edu (eric weidl)
Subject: [*] Speech FKEY
Here is the Speech FKEY. It will read any text on the clipboard, assuming
you have the Speech Manager installed. I make no promises for it's
reliability or stability. I don't plan on enhancing it either. I'd rather
people use my SpokesDaemon faceless background application when they need
text-to-speech in an application which doesn't have it.
Email is welcome.
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/speech-fkey.hqx; 6K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:15:21 -0800
From: tidbits@halcyon.halcyon.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: [*] tidbits-caring-for-wrists-ps.hqx
(Updated to make it possible to print on more PostScript printers - I had
accidentally printed with the QMS-PS 410 printer driver rather than the
General driver in PageMaker. Please replace the previous version. Otherwise
there are no changes).
[Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/tidbits-caring-for-wrists-ps.hqx; 211K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:17:27 -0500 (EST)
From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
Subject: [*] Voyeur 1.0 (file utility)
Voyeur 1.0 is a no-frills file viewer. It allows you to view raw data (in
hexadecimal and ascii format) of either the data or resource fork of a
file. You can't edit any of the information, but you can change the
type/creator information or modify the length (EOF) of either fork.
Voyeur is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Complete C
source code will be uploaded to the archive sites (for instance,
sumex-aim.stanford.edu) in a separate archive. If you do not have FTP
access, e-mail the author at f8dy@netaxs.com requesting a copy of the
source code, the program iteself, or a list of other programs by the same
System 6 and 7 compatible; supports B/W, grayscale, and color monitors.
Voyeur 1.0 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/voyeur-10.hqx; 97K]
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:28:14 -0500 (EST)
From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
Subject: [*] Voyeur 1.0 (source code)
Voyeur 1.0 is a no-frills file viewer. It allows you to view raw data (in
hexadecimal and ascii format) of either the data or resource fork of a
file. You can't edit any of the information, but you can change the
type/creator information or modify the length (EOF) of either fork.
Voyeur is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this
archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code for the Voyeur
application, as well as complete source code for an external application
used to set up Voyeur's self-integrity checker. You may freely re-
distribute this package as a whole; you may freely modify this application
and re-distribute it under the GNU General Public License. See the file
"GNU General Public License" in this archive for details.
This code handles, among other things, events, menus, apple events, a prefs
file, Gestalt environment checking, hierarchical menus, dialogs, windows,
standard file dialogs, and the soon-to-be-famous "cough to continue" modal
dialog filter proc. None of this is very well commented, but feel free to
direct any questions to f8dy@netaxs.com.
Voyeur 1.0 is copyright 1993 by Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/voyeur-10-c.hqx; 170K]
Date: 10 Nov 1993 12:09:05 CST6CDT
From: "Jay Larsen" <JLARSEN@che1.che.umn.edu>
Subject: [*] white castle startup
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/white-castle.hqx; 292K]
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 22:42 EST
From: "Dr. Zoltan Tyeklar" <0005695188@mcimail.com>
Subject: !Using PowerBook 170 with external monitor(Q)
Hi Netters,
I would like to ask for your help to solve the problem I've been
struggling with for several weeks now.
I have a PowerBook 170 (6 mb RAM 120 mb HD, running System 7.1)
and I'd like to use it with an external Monitor (NEC 4FGe). Since this
PB does not support external monitors I will have to use a third-party
device (using the SCSI port). So far I out SuperMac's SuperView, but,
unfortunately, I could not make my PB work with it and SuperMac's
tech support could not do it either. They were not able to figure out what
the problem could be. I have checked the SCSI port of my computer and
it worked flawlessly with a SyQuest external HD and drove an Apple
OneScanner without any problems.
Does any of you have any experience regarding this question or
does anyone know other interfaces which I could try out?
Many thanks for your help and answers.
Zoltan (ztyeklar@mcimail.com or ztyeklar@world.std.com)
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 20:49:58 -0600 (CST)
From: Andrew Vernon <avernon1@ua1ix.ua.edu>
Subject: 1984 Commercial
On Tue, 09 Nov 93 22:56:24 EST, Adriane Moser <AMOSER@CCVM.sunysb.edu> said:
>Ok, so we have decided that this bugger is too big to practically download
>over the net. Al Bloom has offered it to people on floppies. (Issue 218) My
>question is, does anyone have it on videotape? Seems it would be much
>better, faster, authentic. Anyone out there?
Bad news. I asked an Apple guy about the 1984 QuickTime movie at our
computer fair yesterday. According to him, the clip is under copyright
[(C) 1983 Apple Computer Inc] and isn't covered by Apple's general
end-user license. So, it's mid-to-fairly illegal if it's out there.
--Andrew Vernon (Just as bummed-out about it as the rest of you)
Date: 11 Nov 1993 17:04:36 U
From: "Anne" <harwell@bandw.panam.edu>
Subject: 1984 Movie
I've some information on where to get the 1984 Commercial online. If you're
interested, mail me at this address.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 11:50:09 EST
From: Richard <HBLAD124%UCONNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: 660 AV Memory
I need to buy a 16Mb simm for a Centris (Quadra) 660 AV. My campus reseller
is telling me that I need a 60ns chip while all the mail order places
say that I only need a 70ns chip. He says that an Apple engineer told
him that I would have trouble with a 70ns chip. Can anyone help me with
this? Please respond directly and I will summarize for the list.
Also, since I plan to upgrade to a Power PC, is that more likely to require
a 60ns chip if I could use the 70ns?
Thanks in advance
Richard Caccavale Hblad124@uconnvm or Hblad124@uconnvm.uconn.edu
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:46:46 +0000
From: mike@bison.lif.icnet.uk (Michael Mitchell)
Subject: [Q] Archie client software
I remember down-loading a Mac Archie client about 3 months ago, since then
I have lost my copy and can't remember which anon ftp site I got it from.
Does anybody know of such an application, or know of an ftp site that has
If this is a FAQ, please do not flame me, just send a copy of the
appropriate FAQ list or the relavent section.
Michael Mitchell, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:16:39 -0600
From: david-bourne@uokhsc.edu (David Bourne)
Subject: absoft address
Does anyone have an e-mail address for absoft. Tech support and sales if
possible. THanks.
David Bourne, Ph.D.
OU HSC College of Pharmacy
1110 N. Stonewall Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1223
Voice: (405) 271-6471 FAX: (405) 271-3830
Internet: david-bourne@uokhsc.edu
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 21:06 PST
From: AUNE_N%PLU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Access PC w/ Audio CDs (C)
Thanks to everyone who responded to my question regarding Access PC and Audio
CDs. Many people suggested moving the Foriegn File Access extension out of the
Extensions folder and into System Folder. I tried it and it worked!
The Don Markuson <dmm@tiger1.cv.com> suggested reordering the INIT loading
sequence such that Foreign File Access loads *after* ~AccessPC.
I tried this but it didn't work.
Date: 11 Nov 1993 08:10:37 GMT
From: guykuo@carson.u.washington.edu (Guy Kuo)
Subject: Animals Cache Control Panel
Al Bloom Writes:
>BTW, I understand that "Animals" is superior to "Compatibility." Lets one
>turn off just one 040 cache instead of all. Do any of y'all know where to
>get Animals? Not in any of the multitude of catalogs I get.
I purchased my copy of Animals directly from Impulse Technolgies. Yes,
you're right it allows the write through cache mode which gives you about
80% the speed of write back caching and compatibility with most 68030
compatible software.
Impulse Technology
210 Dahlonega St. #205
Cumming, GA 30130
(404) 889-8294
Guy Kuo <guykuo@u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 19:40:57 -0600
From: mlong@mermaid.micro.umn.edu (Michael A. Long)
Subject: balloon help
I heard from a friend that there is something out there to disable
the balloon help on a mac. Do you know of such an application?
please respond at your earliest convenience.
Michael A. Long University of Minnesota
Date: Thu, 11 NOV 93 13:04 GMT
Hi, I've got a Digital CD-ROM drive and it's identical to the Apple CD-ROM
drive. In fact, if I boot the system with an Apple CD and then I change
fisically the scsi cable, the Digital CD-rom works as the Apple one !
So, I guess the only problem is "Apple CD-ROM INIT" does not recognize the
Digital CD and so it doesn't load itself into the system.
Do you know any other INIT to be able to see other CD drivers.
Thank's a lot.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 17:42:28 +0100
From: gjr@ams.chem.ruu.nl
Subject: Classical Greek font (Q)
A friend of mine asked me whether I was able to find a classical Greek font
fact he bragged that the Mac was superior to a PC since there you had to patch
some of the characters). The question is quite simple: does anyone know about
Greek font with all the characters needed in the classcal greek texts?
Thanks in advance
Geert Jan
G.J. Rademaker
Utrecht University, Dept. of Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry
P.O. Box 80083, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
gjr@ams.chem.ruu.nl tel:+31.30.536794 fax:+31.30.518219
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 14:42:48 +0000 (GMT)
From: Colin_Lamb@qmbridge.drake.edu
Subject: CPU usage software (Q)
Regarding: CPU usage software (Q)
I am looking for an application which will tell me how much CPU time is
allocated to different apps running on the mac. I.E. - application A is
taking so many cycles, Finder is taking so many cycles, so many cycles
What I am trying to do is figure out how hard a Mac IIcx we have running
QuickMail server is working - so I can plan on when we will have to replace
Please mail me directly if possible (CL7841S@ACAD.DRAKE.EDU)
Thanks much! I will post any interesting findings here soonest.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 15:13:15 -0800
From: Leslie_Ballentine@sfu.ca
Subject: Desert Trek (Q:-)
A quote from Issue #222:
>Desert Trek: Desert Trek is a game of adventure where you try to cross
>the great Gobi Desert. Be careful, though, since hungry cannibals are
>chasing you. Watch your food and water supplies, try to find an oasis
>or two, visit the trading post for supplies, and hope that those wild
>Berbers don't kidnap you again.
Berbers in the *Gobi* ? I thought they lived in the Sahara.
Or perhaps we are confusing the "Gobi Desert" with the better known Gobi
Dessert. The latter contains a lot of sand; the former is made of sugar.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 02:48:07 -0500
From: mxh160@psu.edu (Matt X. Herbison)
Subject: Disney After Dark [Q]
Hello all. I am thinking of getting the new After Dark Disney Screensaver
set. If anyone out there (hopefully the big-time Disney fans) has anything
at all to say about it, please post here or write me. Much obliged.
-Matt X. Herbison -Penn State University
-mxh160@psu.edu -Apple Student Representative
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 09:54:16 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: FAA Exam Software Recommendations? (A)
Dean E. Gunderson asked:
DEG> I am interested is purchasing software that will allow me to
DEG> prepare for the FAA written Exam (private pilot). Does anyone have
DEG> any recommendations Or suggestions as to where (list) I might
DEG> direct this question?
I'm also preparing for the private pilot FAA written Exam. I have
found the Usenet group alt.rec.aviation.students to be very helpful
in general. I'm sure that if you posted a question about software
on this group, you would get some helpful answers.
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 17:09:31 -0500 (EST)
Subject: GCC Eclipse 8 Laser printer [Q]
Dear Netters,
Does anyone have comments or opinions about the GCC Technologies BLP
Eclipse 8 laser printer? This new product is positioned between the two GCC
laser printers rated in the Sept. 93 issue of MacUser.
We're a small business office with three Macs and our printing needs are
not too demanding: mostly short documents such as letters and contracts with
no complex graphics. Though we don't have a lot of money to throw around,
we've begun improving our system, networked the Macs via EtherNet, and
now want to upgrade our printing setup. The current nightmare includes an
ancient HP LaserJet IIP linked to two of the Macs via LocalTalk and a manual
A-B switch!
The Eclipse 8 appears ideal. What we can't figure out is how GCC can offer
so much printer (8ppm, RISC processor, PostScript level 2, and EtherNet built-
in) for only $1399 after direct sale rebate. Is there some hidden flaw? Is
to consider a new printer with no proven track record?
I'd appreciate any information, gossip, or rumors that might help us make
the right decision. If appropriate, I'll post a summary to the Net.
Thanks in advance,
Michael Petty
Michael J. Petty
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 08:54:51 EST
From: Prof GWK Moore <moore@rainbow.physics.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #221
Have you tried ( I hate to suggest!) ln pressure rather
than pressure?
Professor G.W.K. Moore Department of Physics
60 St. George Street University of Toronto
Toronto,Ontario,Canada M5S 1A7
Phone: 416-978-4686 Fax:416-978-8905
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 08:19:00 EST
From: Ken Miller <KMILLER@BROWNVM.brown.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #222
Some Comments on WordPerfect (3.0):
I've been using WP 3.0 for about 2 weeks on a Centris 650 and an
LC-III. I've been a heavy-duty MS Word user ever since the old Word 1.0
days, and wanted to see if WP was a viable alternative. It is. In fact,
I'm tempted to switch most of my writing to WP.
There are a few differences in "logic" between Word and WP, most
notably in the areas of paragraph formatting. These have taken a while
to get used to. But they are more than compensated for by the ease of
positioning paragraphs, producing borders and shaded text, imprinting
"watermarks" and graphic overlays, and an excellent graphic interface.
My Word-using friends have already started to ask me how I produced
some of the effects in my documents.
Unfortunately, WP is a BIGGER program than Word.... It uses 3000 k
chunk of memory in optimum installation, and the program itself is
2.5 mb. It also has trouble opening "fast-saved" Word 4.0/5.1
documents, and cannot save in Word's format (only in RTF).
I haven't thrown Word 5.1 off my hard drive yet, but I'm impressed
with WP 3.0.
~ DISCLAIMER: Not only do I have no relationship ~
~ of any kind with WordPerfect Corp... ~
~ I've never even been to Utah! ~
- Ken Miller / Brown University
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:41:40 -0500
From: tonyh@msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #222
>Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 13:11:30 -0600 (CST)
>From: takata@sncac2.snc.edu (Takamasa Takahashi)
>Subject: Japanese WorldSript and vertical printing (Q)
>I noticed some discussion of Nisus and WordPerfect and
>their capability to handle Apple's WorldSript (Worldscript?).
>As far as I can tell, neither program can print Japanese
>text "vertically," that is, top to bottom instead of right to
>left or left to right. In Japanese it is called "tategaki" and
>it is a very common form of writing Japanese (also Chinese,
>I believe).
>Admittedly, I haven't played with either word processor very much.
>I just tried them on my colleague's Mac when she got the Japanese
>Language Kit from Apple. Maybe I am missing something, but until
>a word processor can p
> r
> i
> n
> t Japanese (Chinese, Korean?) vertically, it
>is not worldsript savy in my opinion.
>Does anyone have thoughts on this? Also if you know a way to make
>Nisus 3.47 or WordPerfect 3.0 do this, please let me know.
>Thanks in advance. You can either email me (takata@sncac.snc.edu) or
>post it in the info-mac.
It's not the fault of the applications that you can't write Chinese or
Japanese vertically. To do so would require new scripts with such
capability and they have to come from Apple (and they don't exist yet).
Nisus 3.4.8 is a little worldscript-savvier than WordPerfect 3.0; it can
handle right-to-left scripts (WP 3.0 can't).
Tony Huang
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 17:57:20 CST
From: Mack <ZU01988%UABDPO.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Internal SyquestIn 800/840
Has anyone put an internal syquest drive in their 800 or 840? I am in
need of backup storage, and am looking into an internal syquest drive.
Can anyone give me the pros, and cons. I would love to have a PLI 128 MO,
but cannot afford one.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 01:31:44 -0500
From: jmoore@halcyon.com (Joel Moore)
Subject: Is AudioVision an EnergyStar Monitor?
The subject pretty much says it all. I was wondering if the AudioVision
monitor is actually an EnergyStar monitor or not. The Apple Catalog seems
to say that it is, but it doesn't have the Star logo on the box, so I was
Joel Moore
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 10:12:12 EST
From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317) 230-4791 AGT/8896)
Subject: Is SupraFAX LC 14.4 modem a good buy?
I've seen exchanges on this list comparing various FAX-modems and their
software. I seem to recall a brief debate over Supra's 14.4kb offering, but
I'm not clear on what the conclusion was... it began in a negative tone and
was followed by positive testimonials.
I suddenly find myself on the brink of buying a SupraFAX LC 14.4kb modem for
US$180... a price that I'm willing to pay if the general consensus is that
the modem and software are solid. There is another model up, for $250, that
(try as I might) I was unable to determine any major difference between it and
its cheaper sibling (the cheaper one says it'll do "class 1" FAXes, the other
says "class 2". Is that worth $70?). Competitors on the shelf were all at
the $250 mark and above.
Question: For plain-vanilla home use, is this beast worth my money, or should
I spring for one of the more expensive models?
Please respond directly to me - I'll post a summary of opinions next week.
Thanks in advance.
Dan Hofferth
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 16:57:41 -0600 (CST)
From: "John P. Young" <JYOUNG@VAX1.UMKC.EDU>
Subject: LaserWriter Lockout
Some time ago I downloaded a file called LaserWriter Lockout. It allowed
me the option of showing or not showing all of the laserwriters on the one
zone we have using appletalk. I have lost the copy I had and could not
find it listed in the info-mac directory. Does someone remember this pro-
gram? Can someone suggest a location for ftp'ing a copy? Or, is there
a newer version floating around out there with another name?
Thanks in advance for any help.
John Young
William Jewell College
Internet: JYOUNG@VAX1.UMKC.edu
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:46:53 -0500
From: tonyh@msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
Subject: MacBench (R)
>Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 13:23:57 -0600 (CST)
>From: takata@sncac2.snc.edu (Takamasa Takahashi)
>Subject: MacBench (Request)
>Could anyone please post MacBench 1.0 from Ziff/Net
>(the MacUser's own forum on Compuserve, if I remember
>it correctly). I read in the December issue of MacUser
>that MacBench is made available free to anyone who asks
>(it was stated in the article that compares MO drives).
>Maybe someone could download it from Ziff/Net and upload
>it to the sumex archive? I would greatly appreciate it.
>Thanks in advance.
I downloaded MacBench from ZiffNet but I'm not allowed to post it because
of Ziff's policy. It's much better than Speedometer (its video benchmark is
still not very accurate). If you don't have access to ZiffNet, you can get
it on a diskette by sending Ziff a postcard.
Tony Huang
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 9:23:49 PST
From: John Louch <jlouch@apple.com>
Subject: Mail to prodigy from internet (Q)
Info Mac People,
Is it possible to mail to Prodigy from the internet? And for
that matter mail to the internet from Prodigy.
Please respond directly to this address (jlouch@apple.com) and if there
is enough interest I will send a report back to info-mac.
John Louch
Apple Computer, Inc.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 13:06:22 EST
From: adorfman@cs.tufts.edu (2d Lt Avram Dorfman)
Subject: Modifying Page Sizes & Printer Drivers (Q)
Does anyone know of a way to modify existing printer drivers? It sure would be
nice if I could define my own page sizes for use with non standard size
It would also be nice if I could get my Stylewriter II to print "every odd
page" or "every even page" for me (I know I can do it one at a time).
Please respond directly, and I'll post a summary.
-Avram Dorfman (adorfman@cs.tufts.edu)
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 9:45 BST
From: Richard Lim <RTL@siva.bristol.ac.uk>
Subject: Moving disks (transcontinentally)
I'm shortly due to go back to the Far East :-( and have decided not to ship
my LC system back as it'll take ages - I'd really like to have a Mac ready
to use when I get back. So I thought I'd buy an external hard disk, back
up my files, take the disk with me rather than ship it, and buy a new Mac
once I arrive. The problem with this scheme is that I'm intending to career
around the Levant (a favourite bit of the world for me) en route to the Far
East, and I really don't want to be lugging a SCSI hard disk with me! I can
imagine the suspicious looks I'm going to get at various airports/border
checkpoints. Anyway, questions:
(1) If I do lug the disk everywhere I go, will it be secure? I'll be
backpacking it much of the way and don't want the disk to be jolted into
oblivion, assuming this could happen.
(2) Can the hard disk be affected by airport scanning equipment? (Doubt
it, but maybe some of you know better.)
(3) I'll probably be shipping quite a few floppy disks rather than taking
them with me. Do I have to be wary of factors like high temperatures in
cargo holds? (Vinyl LPs warp fabulously under such conditions; I hope
floppies don't.)
I'd appreciate any other pointers people might have to offer about moving
computer equipment over such distances. I'll be reading my mail up to
about November 24. Thanks in advance!
PS: any Levantine Mac users want to meet up there in December? (Assuming
my visas come through - fingers crossed...)
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 09:59:41 -0500
From: barnett@amnh.org (Bill Barnett-Interdepartmental Laboratories)
Subject: NCSA Mosaic
>From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
>Subject: NCSA Mosaic
>In Regards to your letter <199311081221.AA08303@nwnexus.wa.com>:
>> Can anyone tell me what Mosaic is, and if it is of any use to me. I
>> -ly dial up into an IBM 32 somthin' to get my mail. I have access to an
>> 030 Sun, but is not set up with a name server, or news. Can I use Mosaic
>> dial into the sun and join usenet?
>It's a browser for the World Wide Web, which is an Internet service
>along the same lines as Gopher and WAIS. You need a Mac connected
>to the Internet via network or SLIP/PPP and Apple's MacTCP. Without
>that software and that connection, you can't use Mosaic at all.
>There is a version for Unix that might run on your Sun, if it has
>a connection to the Internet, but I don't know anything about it.
>cheers ... -Adam
For the Sun (or other Unix) you can download Xmosaic (but your
system has to run X or maybe even X11R5). We haven't attempted it here yet
but we do run X11R5 (also freeware for Unix systems) and will try it soon.
There is Mosaic for Windows. We downloaded this and tried to load
it up on a 486DX but due to the klugey nature of Windows we have been
having trouble getting it to work. It also requires a separate TCP/IP
stack running (pain!).
For Macs (yea!) you need Mosaic, a JPEG app. called JPEGView to see
the pictures, an MPEG app. called Sparkle (v.1.6?), and ULawPlay (a sound
player). Needless to say, after downloading all these from NCSA, they
worked seamlessly the first time.
All three Mosaics are available from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu
-Bill Barnett (barnett@amnh.org) American Museum of Natural History
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 13:51:53 CST
From: Chip Sample <sample@shire.ac.arknet.edu>
Subject: Norton Utilities
I have also been pleased by Norton Utilities ability to fix errors on my hard
disk. But I've found that Speed Disk (a disk optimizer which comes with
Utilities) can fix some problems that Norton cannot. A few times I have
the message that "Norton Utilities can not fix this error". Once I
to get rid of the problem, but a year later when I had a repeat occurance I
gave Speed Disk a try**. It noted the problem and told me it needed to fix it
before it could optimize the disk; was that okay? Sure enough, it fixed the
Chip Sample
Arkansas College
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 12:04:44 MST
From: sradford@heineken.tuc.nrao.edu (Simon Radford)
Subject: PB 100 charger problems
I'm having a problem with the battery charger on my PB 100. The plug doesn't
make good contact with the innards. When I connect it to the PB, I have to
the plug this way or that for it to make contact. Then, if I don't keep
pushing, it loses contact again. With the volatage display in Edison I can see
when it's really making contact. This is getting more frequent, more tedious,
and, needless to say, my PB rarely gets a full charge so it doesn't last
long on its batteries.
Anyone else have this problem? Anyone have a fix? I suspect it's a hairline
crack in the solder on the jack. Anyone have any experience reflowing the
Thanks, Simon Radford, NRAO, Tucson
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 09:56:53 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Port for floppy drive (A)
Steve Waechter asks:
SW> Could somebody tell me if the Mac IIsi is equipped with a DB-19
SW> external floppy disk drive port? I'm trying to find out if I can
SW> connect an external SuperDrive to the IIsi.
I'm not sure what the connector physically is, but a Mac IIsi does
have an external floppy drive port and it does support external
SuperDrive devices.
Now if only Apple hadn't removed the floppy port on the Quadras! :-(
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 18:35:18 PST
From: fredc@netcom.com (Fred Condo)
Subject: PPP Server Software?
I am looking for PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) *server* software to run
on a Macintosh. Does such a beast exist? Thanks.
Fred Condo * fredc@netcom.com
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 20:34:36 -0600 (CST)
From: Andrew Vernon <avernon1@ua1ix.ua.edu>
Subject: QuarkXPress list (Never Mind)
A few days ago, I asked for the address for the QuarkXPress list and
received an answer the next day from a MAC-L reader at UAB, who pointed me
in the general direction of listserv@iubvm.bitnet. General listserv
procedures apply: First line should read "sub quarkxpr your name"
Thanks anyway...
Andrew Vernon (avernon1@ua1ix.ua.edu)
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:41:42 -0500
From: mxh160@psu.edu (Matt X. Herbison)
Subject: QuickTime Movie Site
Hello all. I will be making the following QuickTime movies
available for a little while. These are on my own personal computer in a
dorm room, so it will not be up and running all the time. Another
downside: I don't have enough disk space left to compress or even binhex
any of these files, so they have to be downloaded in MacBinary format. I
hope you don't have trouble getting them, if you DO however, please write
me. In the near future I am planning on getting another SyQuest cartridge
on which I would be able to binhex and segment these files. SO, if it
doesn't work now, these movies WILL be made available in an easier format
later. As far as the access speed of my data, I have been able to maintain
20K per second FTPing from remote hosts, so it should be OK in that
respect. Transfers would probably be most effective after midnight here
(EST). Hope this works out for you.
FTP to: "" or "mxh160.rh.psu.edu"
Login: "anonymous" and send email address for password
Available in the "/CHEF/Pub" directory:
-1984....................13,433K-The original Mac commercial from 1984.
-Aliens (Directory)......15,005K-An EXCELLENT movie. Please get the "About
Aliens" file when you download this one. If
you have the space I HIGHLY recommend this
-McIntosh_Post-It_Notes...8,380K-The recent SNL spoof of the Newton.
-MTV-Blooper................723K-Kurt Loder messing up. Also available from
-Quayle_Season............5,950K-Hilarious clips of Dan Quayle screwing up.
Especially funny is the movie maker's
clarification of one of Dan's mumblings.
-QuickTime_Logo.............230K-A short animated QT logo. Nice.
-Ren&Stimpy...............1,861K-The original opening sequence for the Ren &
Stimpy show. A "must-have" for any fan.
-SNL-ad_MacJr.............7,073K-A very funny spoof on Macintoshes from SNL.
I don't recall when this was from.
-Matt X. Herbison -Penn State University
-mxh160@psu.edu -Apple Student Representative
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 09:28 EST
From: DAVE@unirel.a1.clemson.edu
Subject: random acts of System 7?
From: NAME: David J. Crockett
FUNC: News Services
TEL: 656-3859 <DAVE AT A1 AT UNIREL>
To: in%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@mrgate
Hello again, Info-Mac junkies! Time for another "what's causing this?"
query. I'll try to be brief.
Just upgraded from an aging SE on System 6.0.8 to an LC III (160/8)
running 7.1 (preinstalled by the computer.gods). Have a handful of
normal extensions (latest versions of Disinfectant, Gatekeeper/Aid,
Soundmaster, AD, SuperClock!). Only thing 'unusual' is that I've
hitched a 3-year-old PowerUser 64 Meg. external drive to the SCSI port.
Same one I had tied to the old SE without incident or problems.
Problem: LCIII randomly hangs during boot. Sometimes at the
happy Mac, sometimes the startupscreen, sometimes somewhere in the
extension load sequence and sometimes just before Finder finishes
loading. Sometimes it boots up fine.
Through elimination, I've found if I leave the the external drive
physically disconnected from the LCIII, problems don't occur.
On advice of local and other techs, I've tried reformatting BOTH
internal and external drives; reinstalled respective drivers (external
uses Disk Manager Mac utility); and checked for viruses. Only
abnormality found was that with the EXTERNAL drive CONNECTED, HDSC
Setup said it couldn't verify the INTERNAL drive (it apparently cannot
even see the external). With external drive DISCONNECTED, HDSC Setup
said internal was OK. Go figure. Tried it several times with same
Comments direct? I'll summarize for the net. TIA!
Dave <dave@unirel.a1.clemson.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 14:44:55 +0100
From: robk@stack.urc.tue.nl (Rob Kouwenberg)
Subject: Re : 1984 Commercial
To make life even easier :
To get the quicktime movie I can give it to you on DAT tape. Just send me
something ( e.g. a SASE + tape or some $$ to buy a tape ) and I'll put it
on DAT for you .. ( either an optima demo desktape or retrosect 2.0 format
My address : below
Greetings from The Netherlands, Rob Kouwenberg
( BTW it can also be placed on 34 SS floppies .. )
(* robk@stack.urc.tue.nl Gr. Adolfstraat 86 040-524372
ERSICRKO@HEITUE52.bitnet 5616 BX Eindhoven,Holland *)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1993 04:45:59 GMT
From: dbesler@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Darren Besler)
Subject: Revsion Control on Macintosh
Is anyone aware of a RCS or SCCS like revision control system for the
Either commercial or PD (shareware, etc) will suffice. I am just interested to
see what is available to satisfy the need for revision management in the Mac
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:16:42 -0600
From: david-bourne@uokhsc.edu (David Bourne)
Subject: Room/Overhead Projection/Slide making equipment Suggestions.
Hello all
I have been given the task of making recommendations about classroom
presentation equipment and slide making equipment.
We have two large lecture rooms in which we would like to install either
RGB type projection equipment driven by Mac and IBM computer or overhead
type projection equipment driven by Mac and IBM.
Additionally we want to provide in-house slide making facilities from Mac
and IBM computers. Not the developing at this stage just the process from
computer to film.
I would appreciate any information that can be provided. Especially if you
have installed or used any of this type of equipment. Simply vendor names,
models, addresses would be a great help. Equipment to avoid would be
useful. Equipment limitations would be useful.
I will summarize to the net after receiving comments.
Hopefully I'll be able to give a follow-up after we install the new
equipment and have some experience with it.
Thanks in advance.
David Bourne, Ph.D.
OU HSC College of Pharmacy
1110 N. Stonewall Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1223
Voice: (405) 271-6471 FAX: (405) 271-3830
Internet: david-bourne@uokhsc.edu
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 04:24:58 -0800 (PST)
From: John Owens <jowens@cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: SNL commercial
Still looking for the SNL commercial ... I would love to get either
the recent Newton (I think) commercial or the one shown a couple
years ago - "The power to crush the other kids".
So desperate, I will trade for Quadra commerical, George of the Jungle
intro , or Ren + Stimpy intro. (None of which are currently uploaded.)
The site at MSUS no longer accepts anonymous ftp. :(
Any ideas, please let me know.
John Owens
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 14:33:16 AKS
From: engberg@ctis.af.mil (Bob Engberg)
Subject: Sound Converter
Is there a utility to convert from mac sound format to PC format,
say .wav for example?
email adr: engberg@ctis.af.mil
Bob Engberg x2054
Date: 11 Nov 93 00:20:00 CST
From: "Eugene Cohen" <eugene@rover.uchicago.edu>
Subject: Specmarks anyone?
(I didn't see the original message, only Christopher Smith's reply in
Info-Mac 220, so bear with me if I say something stupid...)
If I remember correctly, the "classic" (one might be tempted to call them)
SPECmark was scaled so that a VAX 11/780 ran at 1 SPECmark. Kinda' makes
you think-- a multi-user VAX minicomputer has a tiny fraction of the power
of today's desktop workstations. Hmmmm.
Eugene Cohen
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 03:39:21 GMT
From: taylor@dytm21.SINet.SLB.COM
Subject: Speeding up Centris 660AV (Q)
To: IN%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@M_SDR@MRGATE@SNDRTR@SNDRTR
I can remember reading recently that there is a $10. clock crystal or
something like that which can be plugged or piggy-backed onto the 25 Mhz
crystal driving the 660AV. This boosted the clock frequency of the 68040
to around 33 MHz. I assume that it is just a faster crystal.
Does anyone have any information on such a mod? Supplier, etc.
Date: 11 Nov 1993 03:21:23 -0500
From: rlichter@panix.com (Robert Lichter)
Subject: Stylewriter & WriteNow (two separate Qs)
In digest <9311020251.AA03908@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>Dear Netters,
>In WriteNow 3.0 I can't seem to tell the headers section not to print a 1 on
>the first page, is there anyway of doing this without forcing all odd pages
>not to have their page #s printed?
>Thank you.
A way to do this is to insert a header on the page on which you do not
want a page number printed. The header should not have the "Insert
page number" icon on it.
Then insert a new header on the page on which you want page numbers to
begin to appear and put the Insert Page Number icon into it. Go to Page
Setup in the File menu, enter the starting page number that you want into
the "Starting Page Number" box (top of lower left quadrant of dialog box,)
click OK, and you're set. That number will apply to the first page of
your text but will not display because you haven't put the page number
icon into it. You can confirm this in the Preview mode.
It works for any selection of page numbers. For example, if you have a
title page and a table of contents page, you can have the first two appear
with no page numbers, and begin with page three on the first text page by
entering "1" into "Starting Page Number", or begin with page 1 on the
first text page by entering -1 into "Starting Page Number".
Hope this helps.
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 07:14:52 GMT
From: tgh3_ltd@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (dead swordsman)
Subject: Stylewriter II driver
Is there anyone out there who can tell me where I can get my hands on a
Stylewriter II driver? I tried getting it at ftp.apple.com, but I couldn't
find it. Maybe if someone sent me a binhex'd version...
Thanks for all your trouble.
dead swordsman ds+H
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 18:34:51 -0500
From: Thomas H. Jones <wk02143@worldlink.com>
Subject: Subscription request
I am interested in available discussion groups for the Mac, with specific
interest in:
1. Quadra 840AV experiences/problems/modem operation etc.
2. FAQs or other introductory info on using the Mac via the Internet, with
or without a Telnet-capable Internet service.
3. User experiences on various software applications, such as file sync
between Powerbook and desktop Macs.
Thomas H. Jones
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 18:07:23 -0600
From: (Pete Chane) <pchaneuw@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: Threads
WHERE can I get the Apple Thread Manager? Has it been offically released?
If so, what was the distribution like? What version?
Pete Chane
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:24:16 PST
From: Victor_J_Heintz.wbst128@xerox.com
Subject: Unix mount of HFS file system: what's available?
Received: by launchpad.paa.xerox.com (4.1/SMI-4.0) id AA20031; Thu, 11 Nov 93
15:24:23 EST
Unix (SunOS) provides mount_pcfs which allows DOS format HD floppies to be
mounted and used. What's available for Mac format? I realize that the
Macintosh HFS format is necessarily more complex because Mac files have both
resource and data forks. Nonetheless, Xwindows applications like Liken are
to use not only Mac HD format floppies but HFS format CDROMs such as the
Info-mac archive CDROM.
Is there not some simple unix tool which will at least read the contents of a
Macintosh HD disk?
Does Liken have some proprietary information or is the HFS structure published
information? If the latter is true where can I find the info?
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 17:29:25 -0800
From: Charles Chia-Hsing Hsieh <chsieh@leland.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: unplug keyboard when computer is on, bad?
I heard somewhere that unplugging keyboard when the computer is on is bad.
Really? Why? If so, any software way to solve that?
11/10/93 Charles C. Hsieh
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 08:40:08 PST
From: jeff@apl.washington.edu (Jeff Schindall)
Subject: What is "Printer Share" ?
My quadra 840av has a system extension called Printer Share, what is it,
and how do I use it?
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 17:36:49 -0600 (CST)
From: Michael Salmons <msalmons@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: ZTerm High-Speed Patch
I've recently taken to expereimeting with ZTerm as a comm program. I'd
like to use the high speed patch I've found on Sumex with it, but don't
know how to. I suppose this might be in the docs registered users get, but
don't want to commit to that until i know the patch works! Could some kind
soul direct me?
Michael Salmons
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 9:39:03 GMT
From: mab@festival.edinburgh.ac.uk
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
Path: mab
From: mab@festival.ed.ac.uk (M Bartos)
Subject: Quick requests...
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]
Message-ID: <CGBMsz.MEr@festival.ed.ac.uk>
Organization: Edinburgh University
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 09:38:59 GMT
Lines: 12
Someone mentioned to me the existence of a control panel which
powers-down Apple's energy-star monitors; could someone drop me a line
please if this exists and where it might be found.
One final thing - I've been looking for the ttsDialog thingy that allows
you to reset the speech settings (as mentioned in one of the PD
utilities' read-me) - only thing is I can't seem to find it on
ftp.apple.com. Am I simply looking in the wrong place?
Best regards,
P.S. If you have answers please could you drop a line to me
M.Bartos@ed.ac.uk (I'll summarise the responses when I have the answers)
End of Info-Mac Digest